Fort Dodge Community School District

2024 - 2025 FDCSD One Page Calendar

Job Opportunities

The Fort Dodge Community School District will serve all students identified as needing special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (I.D.E.A.), enabling them to become productive citizens.

Special education services will:

  • be provided as described in the student’s individual education plan
  • be provided in the least restrictive environment appropriate to meet the student’s need
  • be provided when adaptations and accommodations of the general education environment is not enough to meet the needs of the identified student
  • teach social skills and life skills
  • provide for transition planning at all levels.

Special education services will be provided in all buildings within the Fort Dodge Community School District.  Services may be provided in the general education classroom, special education classroom, special sites within the district, or the student’s home, as determined by the IEP team.  Special education services will be configured and provided to ensure students are educated with non-disabled peers to the extent specified in their IEPs.  Individual needs will be assessed and services provided to meet specified goals and objectives.

Special Education programming in the Fort Dodge Community School District will be provided through one of the following service models with the ultimate goal of providing special education services in the least restrictive environment.

Consulting Teacher Services: Consulting teacher services are defined as indirect services provided by a licensed special education teacher to a general education teacher in adjusting the learning environment and/or modifying his/her instructional methods.  Specially designed instructional strategies will be developed to meet the individual needs of a student with a disability receiving instruction in the general education classroom.  The general education teacher is responsible for direct instruction, testing, grading and behavioral management as specified in the Individualized Education Program (IEP).  The special education teacher’s support may include assisting the general education teacher with the design and preparation of materials, adaptations, and accommodations.  The special education teacher is responsible for monitoring the student’s progress in IEP goals.

Co-Teaching Services: Co-teaching services are defined as specially designed and academic instruction provided by the special education and general education teachers in partnership.  Services are provided to meet the content and skill needs of students with and without disabilities in the general education classroom.  Services could include but are not limited to teachers: a) co-plan, divide the class, and provide instruction to smaller groups, b) co-plan and then co-instruct different components of the content.  The special education teacher is responsible for monitoring the student’s progress on IEP goals.  Grades for IEP Students will be collaboratively determined. 

Collaborative Services: Collaborative services are defined as direct specially designed instruction in which the core content endorsed teacher provides content instruction and the special education teacher provides strategy and skill instruction to students with IEP’s.  The special education teacher also serves as a consultant to the general education teacher in such areas as application of skills in the general education setting, goal progress, adjustments to the learning environment, modification of instructional methods, adaptation of curricula, the use of positive behavioral supports and interventions or the use of appropriate accommodations to meet the needs of individual students.  This model provides the special education teacher flexibility in meeting the needs of students with IEP’s without co-teaching in multiple classrooms.  The special education teacher, support service provider, or trained paraprofessional may be in the general education classroom as needed to provide instructional or other assistance to the student or a group of students.  The special education teacher/service provider is responsible for monitoring the student’s progress on IEP goals. Grades for IEP students will be collaboratively determined. 

Instructional Support Services: Instructional support services are defined as direct specially designed instruction provided to an individual student with a disability or a group of students with disabilities by a licensed special education teacher for a portion of the school day.  Instructional support services supplement, but do not supplant the instruction provided in the general education classroom.  The special education teacher is responsible for monitoring the student’s progress on IEP goals.  Grades for IEP students will be collaboratively determined. 

Special Class Services: Special Class services are defined as direct specially designed instruction provided to an individual student with a disability or a group of students with disabilities by a licensed special education teacher.  Instruction will be modified to meet the unique needs of the student(s) in a self-contained setting.  These settings include but are not limited to special classes, special schools, home instruction, and instruction in hospitals and institutions.  This means the student is receiving his or her primary instruction separate from non-disabled peers.  The special education teacher is responsible for grading and/or monitoring the student’s progress in IEP goals. 

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